Denise Cassino, née Denise Fitzgerald, is a baby-boomer from suburban Chicago. After earning a B.A. degree in English at Northern Illinois University, she moved to Denver. Denise, always a lover of the written word, began writing years ago but now finds her work published in online and print publications such as Tapestry, National Association of Women Writers, AboutTeens, Apollo's Lyre, Ten Thousand Monkeys, Hackwriters, Garden and Hearth, Cottage Magazine, Long Story Short, Hostel World and Reminisce Extra Magazine; and in four print anthologies, The Color Gallery, Passion and Taj Mahal Review and has collaborated on two anthologies: Unfettered Hearts, Ordinary People Doing Extraordinary Things, Vols 1 and 2, and published her first novel, Bobby Truax, an Award-Winning, Amazon Bestseller.

Denise is a Publisher and an Internet Marketing Specialist
having published and launched hundreds of authors to
 #1 Bestseller status on 

to learn more.

"Words wander aimlessly across the page until they get to the point." 
                                                                                             - Denise Cassino
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Denise Cassino